Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Flash Back Tuesday: Jean Apron.

For today's flash back Tuesday I am sharing the first thing that I ever sewed and was {and still am} proud of.
Hey so today I whipped up something for my first craft- diet item! I took an old pair of cut off jeans and cut them in half then I took the smaller side and I made Monkey an apron with a dog on it Because if you know Monkey then you know how much she loves dogs! So I of course of pictures So the first one is of the side of the pants,

This one is of the apron itself:

And these are action shots!

With the other side of the jeans I am going to make myself an apron which I will of course post, but my next craft well have to be a surprise! {I don't even know what it is going to be yet!}

Blogs that inspire (Still true)
1. http://www.crafty-moms.com
This site has a lot of crafts to do with your children!
2. http://allsorts.typepad.com
This site would have to be my fav of the week it is very cute and has patterns and fun things to make and is also very inspiring!
3. http://www.jennybharris.com/funstuff/funstuff.htm
Monkey loved this site it has a virtual paper doll which was fun to dress and it also had build a robot plus it had very cute coloring pages you could print!
4. http://annamariahorner.blogspot.com/
This site truly inspires with all of it color. It is a designer Anna Maria Horner and she has the most beautiful things on her blog
5. http://mybyrdhouse.blogspot.com {I really want to try her emergency candle}
This site has some very beautiful quilts, aprons and other crafts!
6. http://www.cleanhomejournal.com
I think the title says it all , I thought that I would include this because one of my New year resolutions was to keep a clean house and although I am on my way this site inspire me to what I could become!

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